BabyFetus Ticker

Friday, April 29, 2011


Hello Everyone and Welcome to My Surrogacy Journey. I wanted to start off by telling you all a little bit about myself and why I have chosen to be a surrogate. I am married to a wonderful husband, I have 4 Children of my own ranging in age from 9 1/2 to 2 1/2. I have been working in the medical field since I was 18.  I have been blessed to conceive virtually without trying.  I was married to my 1st husband at 17 and gave birth to my 1st son at 20. My pregnancy was GREAT-well minus the normal morning sickness. I was divorced by 22 and a single mom til I met my current husband 2 years later.As long as I could remember I wanted to be a surrogate. I saw the agony and frustration first hand with my family member who had tried for several years to get pregnant and was unsuccessful. That experience with her made me wanna give back to someone the same experiences of Joy, Laughter but most of all LOVE that a child brings!!! So, I started researching surrogacy. I researched books, internet, I asked the doctors I worked for, my co-workers;any information I could find I looked for. In 2010 after meeting with several surrogacy agencies over the last 5+ years I found an agency that seemed to be a perfect fit for me. The only problem was now I would have to inform my husband as well as convince him to support me on this decision and show him the passion I had for wanting to help another couple. It took 10 months of talking to,praying with and consulting God for him along with showing him articles and answering questions, but he finally came around and in June of 2010 is when my Surrogacy Journey Begun.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful account of how you eventually decided to help a couple have a much wanted child. That lucky couple was us and a couple of days ago two of our precious embryos was transferred to you Tasha. We hope and pray that this time it will work! Thinking of you and your wonderful kind and caring nature .......Stella & Michael
