BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The First Ultrasound 5/26/11

I went to the 1st ultrasound on 5/26 and I was scared and excited because I did not know if there were one or two in here. We meet our case manager and we are waiting for the Doctor to call my name. They call me we go back to the room. Now I am undressed in my now familiar and usual position (pap smear position) and the Dr. is scanning and scanning and then Little "Baby Perin" pops up on the screen and my first thought was awwwwwwww the Perin's are Having a baby, then second thought was is this the ONLY one. After the Dr. scanned around for a little while longer he confirmed that there was indeed ONLY ONE!!!! Yay for The Perin's. Once, I got dressed and came out the room I received a card with the ultrasound pic in there with the Due date and all the information.and here is a pic of the card and the u/s pic.

This is the card they gave me

This is "Baby Perin" between the two markers @ 6 weeks and 3 days

Oh, yeah, Our Case Manager recorded a video for our IP's to see we did see a Lil flicker of the heart but it was to early to hear the heartbeat, but we should be able to hear it and see it on our next appt on 6/2/11. So, My due date is January 15,2011 and at the appt I was 6 weeks and 3 days. until then, bye bye loves

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How many babies are in here?????

Well last night I went to my monthly group meeting with my fellow surrogates and Carol, the Program Director. Let me just say before last night I was almost certain that I was carrying only one child, it never really occurred to me that possibly both embryo's may have attached. I just naturally assumed that one took and I was carrying only one. Now,after talking to the girls and Carol, over dinner I am not sure if I am carrying one baby or two. I did get sick very early on in this pregnancy, so now I am unsure. I was so excited for my IP's that we were pregnant, this time, I never gave it a second thought that it could be more than one, lol. Now, I am more excited than ever to find out next Thursday if they will have one new addition or two new additions, either way I'm happy for them!!! How ever many babies are in here, I am sure they will be loved and nurtured either way. They, he or she is truly a miracle and a blessing from GOD! Only time will tell,until Thursday. Now I am very curious to know how many are actually in here ,lol.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Beta #2 Results! this morning I went in for my second blood draw and I just got my results call and my beta today is 305. It has more than doubled. All I can say is to God be the Glory!!!. I emailed my IP's with the good news because I can't call, but I am more than sure that they are just as excited if not more excited than I am. I can't stop smiling. This is truly a miracle from God! My next appointment is my 1st OB ultrasound so pictures coming soon. So I will continue with my daily medications and my PIO injection. Until later.......

Beta # 2 --5/13/11

Good Morning, today is another blessed day in the Lord. I am on my way for my 2nd Beta test. I am excited to see what the numbers will be today. I am more excited for my IP's than anything. I am still smiling from ear to ear just seeing their faces and reactions once I told them the good news. I am looking forward to all the things that go along with pregnancy. I just LOVE being pregnant. I LOVE being a woman. Just the thought us being able to bring life into the world- that is a gift in and of itself. I am blessed to have been able to do it for my family and i am humbled to be able to assist another family in accomplishing this same goal. Now I just have to wait for the numbers to come back.............I will be expecting a call between 2pm and 4pm today. Praying that everything will continue to go good. I am claiming that everything will go great!!!!until my results are in talk to you all later.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The "BIG" day-- My BETA Test and Results

So..........this morning I got up early and went to have my blood draw @ 9:00am. I anxiously waited for the call, but deep down inside I already knew the results. At 3pm I received a call that said " I was officially pregnant my Beta HCG was 114". I was so excited I could not contain myself. I ran upstairs and woke my hubby up from his nap screaming babe I am officially pregnant, I have to tell Stella and Michael. I laughed,I texted my case manager then I was so overjoyed that I cried tears of joy. I just started thanking GOD for blessing Stella and Michael with this child. I have to go back to the Clinic on Friday 5/13/11 for a 2nd beta test. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to keep to myself, especially after ALL of the pregnancy tests were positive and me having morning sickness from 2 days post transfer up to today. At 3:30pm we skyped our IP's and what made it even more special was that today was Michael's Birthday. They very elated to say the least. They could not stop smiling and thanking me, It was hard to have a regular conversation. I was overjoyed to see them so happy especially after the 1st IVF not working........They are making all sorts of calls now to friends and family members. It made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside to tell them "WERE PREGNANT" I pray that the Lord continues to allow this to be a viable term pregnancy!!! I am so excited for them. This process has taught me that it is truly NOT about me at all. Again, Congratulations Michael and Stella!!!! Now I am getting ready to have a celebratory dinner with my family before bible study. until Friday................

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tomorrow is the "BIG" day!!!!

So.....................a lot has been going on during this long 2ww, but I have been patiently waiting since my transfer day for the BETA test and results and tomorrow is the day, YAY!!!. I will go in for my blood test and find out the results all in the same day. I promised myself this time that I would NOT POAS (pee on a stick)and spoil the fun that I would wait for the blood results............Well, I caved, so far I have taken 2 pregnancy tests #1 -7dp5dt (7 days post 5 day transfer), # 2 9dp5dt (9 days post 5 day transfer. I plan to take another one tomorrow morning before I head out for my BETA test, lol and I am very anxious, excited, nervous, prayerful to see if the results of the BETA will coincide or contradict the responses I got on the pregnancy tests. I am also excited that my husband will be joining me for my Skype call for the first time with our IP's who I truly adore. They have really become a part of our family and I look forward to every conversation, update, and picture I receive and send to them. I've been resting a lot and allowing my hubby to wait on me hand and foot and loving every minute of it. Well, I am going to eat dinner take my meds and have my hubby give me my injection then take my shower, and rest up for tomorrow morning. I have to get up early to make my appointment for my blood draw @ 9:15am and I will say a special prayer before bed. (Tonight's Prayer) Dear Lord, I again come before you as humbly as I know how and I ask that your will be done in this situation Lord. I know you would never bring me to something without bringing me through it. You said in your word, that we have not because we ask not, well Lord I am asking that you bless this couple in there time of need Lord. I am praying tonight not for myself but on their behalf. I know that everything happens for a reason and I believe that you brought us together so that I may be the missing part of their puzzle to assist with adding to their family. I know you hear me Lord and I am praying that their prayers and mines on their behalf will not go unanswered. Lord, bless my womb that it may be able hold and carry a viable term pregnancy for them. I am claiming that it is already done. I ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Until tomorrow...................................................

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The dreaded 2 week wait

I am more relaxed and calm this time around cause I kinda know what to expect. I have been having cramping since the day after the transfer. I have been nauseous off and on since the 2nd of May and to date I have actually threw up 3 times, but as crazy as it sounds I am excited about all of the above. This time during my 2ww I am NOT going to POAS (pee on a stick), at least that is my plan ( lol ). I am doing good so far. I go for my Beta pregnancy test on the 11th and I am praying for good news. I am sending my self sticky vibes, baby dust, positive thoughts and prayers for the Perin's. I know that God knows what He is doing and I am putting it all in his hands.  I have done all I can do for my part the rest is up to him. (My Prayer for today) Dear Lord, I come to you as humbly as I know how on behalf of the Perin Family.  You already know their situation lord and I thank you for allowing me to be the vessel you are using to bless them with this precious gift. I ask that you continue to strengthen my union with my husband as well as with our IP's and I thank you in advance for the child or children that I will carry for them. I have faith that this transfer will produce a viable term pregnancy and I am claiming it right now in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray this prayer with faith, thanksgiving and gratitude. In Jesus name I pray AMEN.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Day at the Park in Vista, CA

On thurday the 28th of April, My family and I met with the Intended Father at a park in Vista, Ca and had a ball see the attached Pictures. It was great to spend time with Him and let the kids spend time with him as well.

 My daughter Jasmine
My Son Jonathan

 The Murray Family with Mr. Perin
My husband and son

Mr. Perin and I

My Son Jordan climbing the rock wall @ the playground with help from his dad