BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tomorrow is the "BIG" day!!!!

So.....................a lot has been going on during this long 2ww, but I have been patiently waiting since my transfer day for the BETA test and results and tomorrow is the day, YAY!!!. I will go in for my blood test and find out the results all in the same day. I promised myself this time that I would NOT POAS (pee on a stick)and spoil the fun that I would wait for the blood results............Well, I caved, so far I have taken 2 pregnancy tests #1 -7dp5dt (7 days post 5 day transfer), # 2 9dp5dt (9 days post 5 day transfer. I plan to take another one tomorrow morning before I head out for my BETA test, lol and I am very anxious, excited, nervous, prayerful to see if the results of the BETA will coincide or contradict the responses I got on the pregnancy tests. I am also excited that my husband will be joining me for my Skype call for the first time with our IP's who I truly adore. They have really become a part of our family and I look forward to every conversation, update, and picture I receive and send to them. I've been resting a lot and allowing my hubby to wait on me hand and foot and loving every minute of it. Well, I am going to eat dinner take my meds and have my hubby give me my injection then take my shower, and rest up for tomorrow morning. I have to get up early to make my appointment for my blood draw @ 9:15am and I will say a special prayer before bed. (Tonight's Prayer) Dear Lord, I again come before you as humbly as I know how and I ask that your will be done in this situation Lord. I know you would never bring me to something without bringing me through it. You said in your word, that we have not because we ask not, well Lord I am asking that you bless this couple in there time of need Lord. I am praying tonight not for myself but on their behalf. I know that everything happens for a reason and I believe that you brought us together so that I may be the missing part of their puzzle to assist with adding to their family. I know you hear me Lord and I am praying that their prayers and mines on their behalf will not go unanswered. Lord, bless my womb that it may be able hold and carry a viable term pregnancy for them. I am claiming that it is already done. I ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Until tomorrow...................................................

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